Emotions. We live for them. Pushing ourselves to each other, as the stories carried between us all. And there is the time condition. The time before thinking. Aren't we using too much predicates? To promote more vivid words, using the sensible effort to be sensitive without any effort. There may be a luminous soul surprised. One will be enough, and lets set the clocks later, with the beat of the aorta. The right thing is to link it all with a sound background like this. Hello, September, how do you feel?
Hello, how do you feel?
what does that mean?
what does that mean?
High, I guess I feel high
cold sweat, dripping down my body
Are you trying to tell me
something with your eyes?
all I wanna do now is lay down and die
if you're gonna do it
you better do it right
or my heart wont stop swelling
Hello, how do you feel?
what does that mean?
what does that mean?
High, I guess I feel high
cold sweat dripping down my body
Are you trying to tell me
something with your eyes?
all I wanna do now is lay down and die
if you're gonna do it
you better do it right
or my heart wont stop swelling
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Emoções. Vivemos por elas. Empurrando-nos uns para os outros, como as histórias que se carregam entre todos. E há a condição do tempo. O tempo antes de pensar. Não serão predicados a mais? Arranjarem-se palavras mais vivas, no esforço sensível de ser sensível sem esforço nenhum. Pode haver uma alma luminosa que se espante. Bastará uma, e acertaremos os relógios mais tarde, ao compasso da aorta. O certo é acompanhar-se isto tudo com um fundo sonoro, destes. Olá, Setembro, como te sentes?