I wanted to make a poem and so I did
You, with your eyes, were the poem
that was being written on me.
I don't know by what arm, by what hand
or by what hug you came to me
But you were as one's say...
You, within my thinking
you were a song-poem,
geometric that could be heard.
I don't know which game we were playing
but I think that in the middle of a play
of balls and bottles
We end up on the ground.
And, soon after
You, with all your care
You would make butterflies
being pulled out of my belly.
Suddenly, you were everything
in my gaze. And I leafed through
the stories you came to tell.
The poems you always were.
Queria fazer um poema e fiz
Tu, com os teus olhos, eras o poema
que se escrevia em mim.
Não sei por que braço porque mão
porque abraço me vieste
Mas eras como quem diz...
Tu, dentro do meu pensamento,
Eras um poema-canção,
Geométrico que se conseguia ouvir.
Não sei que jogo jogavas
Acho que numa brincadeira
de bolas e garrafas
Fomos parar ao chão.
E logo a seguir
Tu, com todo o cuidado
Fazias borboletas
Na cartola do meu ventre.
Tu, de repente, eras tudo
no meu olhar. E eu folheava
As histórias que vinhas contar.
Os poemas que eras sempre.