Mimicat, made in Portugal. There are very wonderful things, because yesterday when I opened one eye, everything was flash-from-the-Sun and I yawned when the noise of the small plane was within the yawn, or were all the sea, lying on your chest: me, you, the sound of the sea; we all there rolling ourselves, or something wrapping us all, but after the Sun went down and (as you always do) one more shot to never see again. Too many pictures we kept are lost. Tell me why.
You broke my heart
So I close the door
You're like an old book
That I don't read anymore
And so you're crying
Now you're alone
What makes you think
that I'd be going
from right to wrong
You could have taken
a second to think
About what we've had back then
but you didn't care
and now you're back
You better tell me why
You better tell me when
You better know that
I'm not ready to let you in
You gave me nothing
but tears and pain
I'll do my best
not to fall into
your game again
You couldn't love no one
but yourself
And now you act
like you're somebody else
Did you really think
I'd forget
I'd forget
what you did?
You better tell me why
You better tell me when
You better know that
I'm not ready to let you in
| Pt |
Mimicat, feito em Portugal. Há coisas muito maravilhosas, porque ontem quando eu abria um olho, tudo era o flash-do-Sol e quando eu bocejei o barulho do pequeno avião ficou dentro do bocejo, ou, então, éramos todos o mar, deitados no teu peito: eu, tu, o som do mar; todos por ali embrulhando-se, embrulhando-nos, mas depois o Sol desceu e (como sempre) mais uma fotografia para nunca mais a vermos no meio de tantas que já guardamos e perdemos. «Diz-me porquê.»