Moonlight Sonata, as we know it, has a story so intense as the melody itself. In other words, the first part of the music reflects a kind of «lamentation», as a blind woman willing to see the moon. In fact, this comparison might be literally true. The masterpiece C# Minor Sonata (B.'s original title) may have been composed to allow another human being to understand (without eyes) how a moon looks like. Beethoven was going deaf and also conscious of the loss of that sense. Maybe that's why he found such a great purpose to compose this piece, inspired by someone who, as well, didn't have one of the five senses (sight). Or perhaps a mix of both painful reasons: his own hearing loss naturally tormenting him, and the challenge of a seemingly impossible task become feasible, meaning his chance to illustrate a condition of nature (and of the world, as the light of the moon or even the moon itself) only through music. Consolation of the night; in repeat. Surrender.