"Remember my Name" is a fabulous song from the soundtrack album for the documentaryGirl Rising(2013). Girl Rising is a global movement for girls' education, that is being spread by CNN all over the globe given the actual context of the Nigerian schoolgirl kidnapping.
«Breakdown explores a 2 dimensional simulated world in which its physical rules are constantly being changed and manipulated by an external entity. An inhabitant of this world is in constant motion to adapt to its characteristics. He interacts with the physical rules and develops a dialogue with the entity who controls the forces. Eventually the inhabitant ends up breaking the world's rules and release himself into a new world, a new dimension.»
There's a blue light outside the bedroom window. I find myself thinking about the sounds of that bright blue. The eyes of the night were gazing over during my insights. Yet, the moon had already returned. Too much time has passed.
«the other side of the bedroom window» @ Home, Den Haag